
Travelling is for life

Keep up to date with my travel adventures.

Cote d'Ivoire Sue Aspinall Cote d'Ivoire Sue Aspinall


Abidjan is sooooo different from Monrovia. It’s modern, clean, calm and everyone seems to travel in a vehicle. I see few pavements or people walking. le Plateaux, where I stay is dead - full of sky high buildings, admin. offices and quiet.

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Liberia Sue Aspinall Liberia Sue Aspinall


I did a day trip today to Buchanan, a small town along the coast with an active sea port.

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Liberia Sue Aspinall Liberia Sue Aspinall


Having spent two days absorbed in admin. tasks mainly regarding getting a visa for Cote D'Ivoire, its good to get out and about in the city.

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Liberia Sue Aspinall Liberia Sue Aspinall


At the border, a friendly policeman stamped my passport with the exit stamp. Randomly, I had to show my yellow fever certificate and have my temperature taken at the health room, before walking through the gates of Sierra Leone, across the bridge over the river Morro to the gate leading into Liberia.

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Sierra Leone Sue Aspinall Sierra Leone Sue Aspinall


I had mixed feelings about leaving the paradise like haven of Lumthubul Gardens. It definitely is a beautiful relaxing place to stay and was the host to a group of NGOs who turned up this morning to enjoy the day and tuck into a hearty breakfast on the beach.

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Sierra Leone Sue Aspinall Sierra Leone Sue Aspinall


New Year is a significant holiday period in Freetown spent with family and friends. Business and banks close down and most people send time at home, celebrating.

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Sierra Leone Sue Aspinall Sierra Leone Sue Aspinall


Whilst waiting for a motorbike driver to arrive to take me on the next bit of the journey, I sat amongst the villagers as they emerged after the party the night before.

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Guinea Sue Aspinall Guinea Sue Aspinall


I moved hotels to the small Auberge Seidi 11 round the corner, where I was the only guest. This room cost 140,000GF and felt better.

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Guinea Sue Aspinall Guinea Sue Aspinall


I left the relative comfort of my hotel in Conakry to hit local transport again and a trip up country. I had decided to head for the hills of Guinea and visit one of the hill station towns which was once popular with Conakry's more wealthy citizens wanting to escape from the city heat.

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Guinea Sue Aspinall Guinea Sue Aspinall


It has been great to be based in one place for a few days getting to know the immediate area around where I'm staying and experiencing something of life in Conakry.

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Guinea Sue Aspinall Guinea Sue Aspinall


Today was one to remember - it's hard to believe that you can pack so much into just a day!!

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Guinea Bissau Sue Aspinall Guinea Bissau Sue Aspinall


Staying in Jemberem gives an incredible insight into traditional village life in this part of Guinea Bissau. There is so much to take in

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Guinea Bissau Sue Aspinall Guinea Bissau Sue Aspinall


Arriving in Jemberem was like ending up in another world. On a dusty road side next to a small number of shops, I needed to get orientated. There was a map showing the layout of the NP and the location of the villages.

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Guinea Bissau Sue Aspinall Guinea Bissau Sue Aspinall


I spend a morning with a group of military officers based at the Fortaleza d'Amura in the centre of old town Bissau - its the original fort encampment used as the military base and currently surrounded by the development of an upgraded road system funded and managed by a Chinese company.

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