
13 JANUARY 2023

On my last day in Monrovia I've posted some photos which tell a special story;

The internet café in the back yard of Benson Street where I slowly and patiently work to keep the blog updated. Since my laptop was stolen in Guinea this is another avenue I have into the challenges of Liberian people managing to study, work and keep connected with minimal tech and a slow unreliable internet connection. They, like me are reliant on their phones. Thank you for letting me use one of your 4 computers.

The café that was Lili Brown's and is now Lankins Inc on 19th street - thank you for your superb ginger and lime juice which eases my sore throat - an effect of the dust and smog of the city.

The beaches hidden down back streets in Sinkor where the local population are doing their best to keep them clean and available to all.

The overland truck that pulled up outside the Cote d'Ivoire embassy with a group of overlanders. Thank you for reminding me of how my choice to travel independently, can be hard work but rewards me with incredible encounters with people from each country.

The water suppliers by my hotel, who each day fill up the householders' plastic containers and distribute their water ration. Thank you for reminding me of this precious necessity that I must never take for granted.



