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Bureh beach
I moved on to Bureh beach to stay at Lumthubul Garden beach resort, travelling by motorbike along the coast road.
Cockle beach, River No 2
A visit to Sierra Leone has to include a visit to it's amazing beaches. These have been the draw of the tourist trade and host crowds of local families every weekend.
The Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary
I was looking forward to moving out of Freetown, hopefully to somewhere more tranquil and serene. I was not disappointed.
Outamba - Kilimi National Park
The sounds during the night were incredible - never silent and very much alive. In the morning I watched a colony of tiny monkeys in the trees close by.
Outamba - Kilimi National Park
I found myself locked in to the guest house in the morning. As the only guest, the manager had obviously thought it best to lock me in and take the outdoor door key with him!