
Travelling is for life

Keep up to date with my travel adventures.

Gambia Sue Aspinall Gambia Sue Aspinall


I've spent today exploring reserves and parks to see more of the wild life of the Gambia.

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Gambia Sue Aspinall Gambia Sue Aspinall


I mastered the local transport network of the coastal region and headed first for the Senegambia Beach Hotel.

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Gambia Sue Aspinall Gambia Sue Aspinall


Today I travelled from Albreda to Tanji village on the Gambia coast. This involved a succession of transport legs

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Gambia Sue Aspinall Gambia Sue Aspinall


Albreda village is the jumping off point to Saint James Island, the small island with a long history as an important trading and administrative post due to its strategic location in the middle of the Gambian River.

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Gambia Sue Aspinall Gambia Sue Aspinall


Frequently my days end and start with deep rich conversations with other people staying in the guest houses where I'm located. Today was no exception. Meeting Cecelia and Sandra, two intrepid experienced world travellers, was a joy and totally enlightening. A fantastic start to the day.

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Gambia Sue Aspinall Gambia Sue Aspinall


Crossing the border from Senegal to Gambia on the route from Kaolack to Farafenni could not have been smoother.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


Last night I returned to Tambacounda and stayed in the La Basseria hotel again. There is something quite reassuring about returning to a town and hotel that you already know.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


At 7:30 this morning, I saw a group of young boys from the neighbourhood, place plastic containers in a row in order of arrival at the gate, in readiness for breakfast provided by the hotel.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


I did a day trip from Diourbel to Touba, the second largest city in Senegal and the home to the largest mosque in West Africa. I was curious to learn more about this holy city.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


Today has been another highlight on my trip. Last night I met a Swiss traveller who arranged a tour of the delta and the islands. We spent the day on a boat sailing from the village of Djifer to the islands in the delta.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


I headed towards Palmerin further south along the coast. On route I visited Joal Fadiout and the island of Fadiout made of shells.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


This really is a fantastic place to rest and re-energise. I have slept for 12 hours.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


I travelled south from Dakar this morning, taking a shared bush taxi from the principle bus station at Gare de Routier - Bomarasha. There was one space left in a taxi for 2500CFA so I was able to get going straight away.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


Today's visit to the History Museum in Dakar added more background to the history of the peoples of Africa, their cultures, crafts and migrations. I'm gradually starting to piece together the importance of the trading routes, the migration of peoples and the rich wealth of cultures.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


I've spent the day on the I'lle of Goree reached by ferry boat from the port in Dakar. With a long history of being settled by people throughout the centuries, there are also records to show that the island played a part in the Atlantic Slave trade.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall


I found myself staying in a very safe, calm and peaceful neighbourhood right by the beach. A nice respite from what will be busy city life in Dakar.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall

St Louis

There is so much to discover in Saint Louis by just wandering around this port town perched on the sand islands in the middle of the Senegal River.

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Senegal Sue Aspinall Senegal Sue Aspinall

St Louis

I took a taxi from the Senegal border into St Louis for 2000CFA which took me directly to the hotel Ndar Ndar, a beautiful stylish hotel in the centre of the colonial part of the city.

I had a quick walk around this section of St Louis, an old colonial crumbling network of criss-crossing streets. Immediately, you sense the calm, relaxed and laidback vibe - it reminded me of the Caribbean.

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Mauritania Sue Aspinall Mauritania Sue Aspinall


The public beach is where the people of Nouakchott hang out in crowds on a weekend. There were numerous games of football going on and a game of quoits with bananas and packet of biscuits to be hooped.

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