
26 november 2022

At 7:30 this morning, I saw a group of young boys from the neighbourhood place plastic containers in a row in order of arrival at the gate, in readiness for breakfast provided by the hotel. The main housekeeper then came out and put a sachet of milk and some bread in each container.

The boys waited in silence and walked off when they received their breakfast. This is what happens every day at shops, hotels and some households within the town, in an attempt to make sure that all children get fed. When I asked whether the girls come, I was told they always get fed by the mothers within the home. So many questions and more answers needed about how food is distributed to all within this town.

The journey from Tamba today took 6 hours - I was in the back of a shared taxi and we had a puncture on the way. This meant a stop at the garage to get a replacement tyre. We joined the trucks making their way along this single carriage road way to Guinea and Mali. Humpbacks are built into the road to keep the vehicles running at a steady safe pace. I watched as farmers waited at the verge side to try to get their donkey carts across the road safely. It is a real sign of the developing world coming into contact with traditions.

In Tamba I found a really comfortable motel: Motel Le Basseria opposite the Gare de Voyage. The rooms are clean, have AC and the 20,000CFA includes breakfast. There are some restaurants along the road side and plenty of stalls selling fruit.


Niokolo-Koba National Park

