
17 november 2022

I sent the morning today, exploring the fishing village and market close to the main town of Saint Louis.

This is the main employment for most of the population and the area around the fishing boats is a constant bustle of life.

In the afternoon I took a shared car to Dakar. This was arranged through Omar at Ndar Ndar. First, I was picked up by a regular taxi at 16:00 and we drove through town to pick up four other passengers. We were then all transferred to a more substantial car at the depo. before heading for the city. The drive was fast and comfortable with only one stop for the driver. In Daker, the driver dropped each passenger off at their destination before taking me as far as he was prepared to go. I was staying out on the edge of the city so he helped me get a regular taxi to the Auberge. I found myself staying in a very safe, calm and peaceful neighbourhood right by the beach. A nice respite from what will be busy city life in Dakar.




St Louis