
23 november 2022

Today has been another highlight on my trip.

Last night I met a Swiss traveller who arranged a tour of the delta and the islands. We spent the day on a boat sailing from the village of Djifer to the islands in the delta. This included visiting a deserted island with the most incredible Baobab trees and fishermen collecting calamari.

We visited another occupied island where a local islander provided a drink of coconut juice and an impromptu drumming session with our guide. We walked around the island to discover new fruits, the drying process of fish ready for export to Mali and the ruins of the once famous five star resort!

Back on the Palmerin peninsula we were able to see the fishermen return with their catch for the day. The selling and drying processes were in full swing - as was the loading of the trucks taking the fish to Dakar.

We finished the day visiting the local reserve travelling by horse and cart. There was an incredible variety of birds everywhere. We waited in anticipation for a sighting of the hyenas but they were not coming out today. A brilliant experience.



