
22 november 2022

I headed towards Palmerin further south along the coast. On route I visited Joal Fadiout and the island of Fadiout made of shells.

I travelled on a shared taxi from Mbour (1000 CFA) and then took a local taxi to the island. The entry fee is 5000CFA paid at the tourist office by the bridge.

It's hard to walk around this island without being accompanied by a local resident wanting to be your guide. I let one guy lead me round and he explained a few things about the island as we went.

The islanders live in close proximity in single storey dwellings and as it island is car free the only thorough fare of breadth was wide enough for a horse and cart. There islanders are mainly Christian with a smaller population of Muslims, hence the presence of a church and a mosque, and a cemetery that provides for both religions. My guide explained how the islanders rule their own needs and do not require a police force - the village meetings being held in a central place. They have a water issue currently and water is sold by the container at 1000CFA per unit - a high cost for this community.

I travelled on on a local bus to Palmerin - and was dropped off by the entry to Djidjacl encampment - the wonderfully simple and peaceful place by the beach. Here I spent the afternoon walking the totally deserted natural beach and visiting an exclusive resort for tea.

There are a few travelling guests here, so we have been able to exchange some information about onward routes.



