Puen de San Chaime to Cap de Llauset

23 August 2022

This morning began with a long old hike along a track to an unmanned refuge.

Buses passed me with tourist opting to take an easier way of arriving half way up the ascent. Note to self: check these kind of arrangements out in the future to help me along the way.

I met a woman at the refuge who had hurt her wrist. She had called the helicopter service and they were on their way. The helicopter arrived as I was leaving and airlifted her off to the local hospital.

The ascent over the pass was full of boulders and needed a degree in block dancing! I felt like bambi trying to move over this rough terrain which continued on the descent to the refuge. It was very quiet and serene by the mountain lakes and around the brand new refuge which sat in the dip between the peeks.

In this refuge the dorms were smaller and everything was pristine. We were able to star gaze on this clear night.


Cap de Llauset to Conangles


Refuge de Biados to Puen de San Chaime