
18 October 2012

This morning, I decided that I was not cut out for long train journeying

I miss being outside and also find I don't meet as many people nor feel as connected to the country I am in when viewing everything from within a carriage. I have changed my plans and will now take more direct and faster routes, leaving some of the more scenic routes for another time.

Today, I crossed from Rumania, through Hungary via Budapest to Austria and stopped in Vienna. On the way I met two great companions; a Hungarian sheep photographer and a Rumanian elementary teacher. The photographer was armed with equipment as he boarded the same train as me. It turned out that he had been photographing Suffolk sheep out on the prairies for the Hungarian sheep and goats association. He showed me some of his successful shots of the day; brilliantly composed pictures of sheep standing perfectly! He had great stories to tell about shepherd folk lore and Hungarian history. The elementary teacher was traveling from Transalvania to Germany for a conference. She taught in a small minority school in Rumania estabilshed for Hungarians who happened to live on that side of the border when the independent state of Rumania was formed. Hungarian herself, she told me about the way they run their school for the predominately Hungarian families in her village. All lessons are in Hungarian and Rumanian is taught as a second language. All Hungarian festivals are celebrated along with those of Rumania except for National day.  She spoke extensively and passionately about the gypsies in her village and throughout the rest of Rumania. She is a great supporter of the preservation of their culture and helps to facilitate their festivals, dances, music sessions and the use of thier mother tongue. Both companions spoke fluent English so I was lucky to meet them and be able to learn so much from them.




Baia Maru