The Hague

Even though I have now reached the final destination of this journey, travelling never stops.

 Life goes on and each day adds new experiences and adventures. The last seven months have been incredible. I could never have planned the experiences that have unfolded or predicted how I would respond or feel each time something or someone new came my way. I know that travelling opens up new perspectives, challenges your opinions and views and presents an opened box of new opportunities still to be explored. You learn to appreciate the close links between countries, peoples and experiences through out the world. You see, first hand, how we are all mutually dependent on each other if even by a thread.

This theme is referred to in Deepak Chopra's latest book:

" Each person is as great an addition to the world as Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa. Subtracting one person from the cosmic equation is just as great a loss. Just as an exquisite silk remains intact if you pull out a thread, the snag will still show"

" We weave ourselves into a tapestry of experience that grows more exalted as time passes, yet each thread is nothing but a wisp of thought, desire or feeling. Every moment lived adds another stitch and even if you cannot envisage what the final pattern will look like, it helps to know that the thread is golden"





The Hague