The Hague

I travelled from Vienna to Zurick via Innsbruck through the most wonderful countryside.

The train route goes right through the heart of Austria so you see mountains, farm land and the autumn trees from the carriage window. The section from Innsbruck to Zurick is especially scenic and reminded me that I will be able to get to the mountains quite easily from Holland. Fom Zurick, I caught the night train to Amsterdam. I shared a compartment with a Japanese traveller who unfortunately had all her valuables stolen just as the train pulled out of the station. A guy had offered to help her with her luggage and had come on board to place her case in the sleeping compartment. He had then taken her valuables bag and disappeared. We spent the start of the journey out of Switzerland, helping the lady decide how to get another passport and how to cancel her phones and cards. Police came on board in Basel to take a statement. So, this was a warning to us all to be extra vigilant with our belongings. I think we all automatically think that traveling in Europe will be safer than in Central Asia, but this was an experience to warn us to be always alert. Later, that evening, the train supervisor brought us bottles of beer as a gift to smooth the way.

I arrived at my sister's house in time for breakfast and ready to join her family visit to the UK. So, off we all went again; my niece, nephew, the dog and Sal to England on board a P & O ferry from Zeebrugge heading for Hull and then my mother's place near York.

York is the last place on this journey west from Japan. The time has come to stop travelling and to settle into a new home and work place in Holland.


The Hague

