
11 november 2022

After a long sleep and a meal in the Spanish restaurant again last night, I was ready to travel on to Nouakchott today. Although I'd done this journey before the experience was different again.

This time I travelled in a minibus next to two ladies who were sharing their fashion and make up pictures with me during the journey. I also was aware that one of the men in the front seats was watching me and making sure I was OK. He was dressed in the traditional clothes from Sudan and explained that although he was from Mauritania the two countries have a good relationship which he is proud of and wants to share.

In Nouakchott, it was great to arrive at a destination I recognised and sleep in the tent at a familiar Auberge. As usual there are many travellers staying here and I gravitate towards a French couple awaiting the repair of their land rover so that they can continue with their trip to Senegal, an older woman travelling alone like me and a French women working as a NGO in Southern Mauritania - all have amazing stories to share and provide a wonderful tribe-like family for the few days that I am here.



