
27 july 2012

To visit the stunning, remote Wakhan valley has been a dream of mine for a long time.

I had ideas about also trying to get to the Wakhan corridor in Afghanistan, but decided to make the most of my time in this part of southern Tajikistan. I decided to walk along the valley from Langar to Ishkashim, staying in villages at night. In this way I knew there would be plenty of time to take in the scenery, meet the people and get a sense of how people live here. The 6 days and 5 night walk was incredible. The scenery changed from green lush valleys, cultivated and carefully irrigated to dry sandy stretches.

I met amazing people who represented the history and mix of cultures of their ancesters in their features and homes. Staying in home stays each day meant I had the chance to eat the local food, see inside the houses and spend time with families.

It was a unique opportunity to get an insight into the life of the Pamir people who were always so welcoming and curious.



