Puigcenda to Planoles

9 JUNE 2023

I set off in rain this morning, however the cloud was lifting and I didn't need a coat. I felt fantastic to be on the road again though my usual apprehensions about finding my way, managing the hills and am I fit enough? lurked in my thoughts.

At Vilallobert village, I went completely the wrong way - east following yellow/red markers. I wasted time before returning to the village and getting a helpful builder to point me in the right direction!

I absolutely loved walking today; the sun came out and there were amazing views from Coll Marcer and Col de la Creu de Meians. The only person I saw all day was a fellow GR11 trekker, Malik, going in the other direction.

The last stretch from Dorria village to the camp site was tiring, nevertheless the track is easy and follows the valley with incredible views of the winding road below. There had been an accident on one of its corners and I watched as a helicopter landed carefully on one of the bends and took the casualty to hospital.

Camping Can Fosses

The campsite was perfect - friendly, clean and a meeting place for like minded trekkers. I met a German couple and two Dutch guys - father and son. We sat chatting in the sunshine until late into the evening.


Planoles to Querablo

