
8 JUNE 2023

I can't quite believe that I have made it back to Puigcerda from Cape Town via Angola, Madrid and Barcelona. The world is so small really and travel so doable when you know how to do the connections and get cheap options.

I am staying in the Hotel Parada in the railway station in Puigcerda - the place where I finished the first part of the trek last year.

I have been spending my time looking around the town and preparing for the second part of the trek. It has literally been raining feathers all day - white fluffy feathers have been drifting down on me outside the hotel and in and around the main square. I take it as a sign of magic - of being in the right place - of the world working beautifully.

Today I met the manager of the tourist office in the town. He told me all about the railway which winds up the valley towards Puigcerda and cuts through more than 42 tunnels. A project started in 1909 and opened twenty years later. He recommended I visit the Museu del Ferrocarril, Vilanova i la Geltru, some day.


Puigcenda to Planoles


Cape Town