Talaixa to Albanya

15 JUNE 2023

It was sunny when I woke up; I packed, had a drink of water from the spring and set off. I passed two monasteries nestled in the woods and valleys.

The later one, at Sant Aniol d'Aguja, was by a bridge and next to a refuge still to be completed. The environment is very spiritual and peaceful - these monks chose their spots well.

The walk to Col de Riog was through forests overlooking the limestone gorge; dramatic and stunning in the sunshine. I loved the day - and kept thinking "how gorgeous is this!". The track passed Col de Principle and Col de Bassegoda before dropping down to the refuge at Bassegoda. It seems that some of these refuges are now privately operated and have to be booked in advance.

Can Nou was sad evidence of the disappearing farming business - once a thriving farm and farmhouse, now is empty.

The sign here indicated a long descent on a concrete road for the next 9kms - I had no water left and it was very hot. I decided to hitch a lift with any willing passing car. My lift was with a group of Catalonian hikers, who took me down the winding road and dropped me off at the campsite.

I decided to rent a cabin at the quieter end of the camping park. A couple of school parties were here with wonderful friendly students and engaged, hands on staff. I loved being able to observe this from afar and enjoy the afternoon sunshine by the pool. The Dutch guys are here too.


Albanya to Macanet


Beget to Talaixa