Candanchu to Sallent de Gallego

13 August 2022

Climbed up a crag today - nothing like this to learn to overcome any fear of heights!

Can't believe the number of energetic fit Spanish guys who make it a sport to climb/run to the top of mountains so that they can fly/run down again. I just have to make sure that I stay well clear of their pathway so they don't take this slow donkey down with them.

At the top I made my way to a lake from where you get amazing views of Pic de Midi d'Ossau and the other impressive peaks in this area. It's obviously the place to be on an August weekend - the place is full of young locals camping out, hanging out and climbing mountains. Seemingly there were about 25 tents up here last night. A party in the mountains - why not?

Made my way down to the ski complex at Anayet and then hit the long hike to Sallent de Gallego with the uncertainty of whether there would be any accommodation available. As always, I managed to find a great room in an old fashioned ski lodge complete with swimming pool in the basement! The lady of the house took pity on me and offered a free breakfast and an additional nights stay if my feet are still sore tomorrow.... bless.

If I can I'm going to keep going - tomorrow it's a steep climb into some serious alpine country. Just feeling a little apprehensive about this next section.


Rest day in Sallent de Gallego


Refugio de Lizara to Candanchu