
25 September 2022

A Riad breakfast is a treat - served this morning on the roof top.

A selection of treats to have with bread, roti and mint tea.

Chefchaouen really is as blue as the pictures show and is beautiful. Some say the blue is the colour used by the Jews and Moors who first settled here when fleeing from Spain. Others say its the best colour to keep mosquitos away and others say it was to remind the people of the colour of the sea. I lean towards the first view - but all could be valid. The blue colour has now definitely become a trade mark of the town and adds a vibrant backdrop to other bright colours. The old town is a labyrinth of alleys and steps lining the hill side. It is home to many cats and potted plants.

It was easy to spend most of the day exploring this fascinating village and taking some of the pathways to neighbouring villages.




Entering Morocco