
6 july 2012

Today I felt the extremes of emotions.

Full on fear to elation. The climb up the pass was probably one of the hardest climbs I have done. Because of snow on some parts, our guide had to find routes that were safe enough and passable. We wove in between boulders and over scree towards the steepest parts where we had to use ropes to pull each other up. Roma, the guide and his friend were as strong as mountain goats and secured the rope around themselves to act as a guide line for us. In this way  we  managed to cross steep rock faces and snow covered slopes. It was a great achievement and relief to get to the top of the pass.

The other side of the pass was covered in snow so we descended by digging footprints into the snow or in my case sliding down on my back side. The scenery changed dramatically and became greener with deep valleys

We walked towards the valley where there was a famous Holy Lake. Roma led us to the top of the ridge only to announce that the lake had disappeared. Only a joke luckily, further on we could see this beautiful lake nestled between mountains where we camped for the night.



