
5 july 2012

I have arrived in Arslanbob after a gruelling nights drive along the highway travelling in the back of a shared taxi.

The driver promised a 5.00pm departure but it was 8.00pm before we got on the road. Probably a good thing that it was dark as we drove along this route as the road twists and turns, winding up and over a number of high passes. The driver knew the road well but this was no comfort for the endless sound of squealing wheels as he pelted along. At mid night we stopped for dinner at what must rate as one of the worst restaurants around. We were served old mutton in a fatty broth, the smell was enough to turn the stomach.

Sophie and Thomas were fellow passengers in the taxi. They are both Dutch and spoke fluent Russian. I am lucky to be able to join them on a four day trek through the mountains around Arslanbob and benefit from the conversations they can hold with the local people.

The tourist office in Arslanbob is organized by an amazing guy called Hait who put together a package for us which included a guide and cook- total luxury. So the five of us set off  in the afternoon after having brunch next to the bazaar in the village centre.

The trek started with a lift in a jeep up a steep rocky track into the mountains. Hanging on in the back we bumped over huge rocks until the vehicle couldnt go any further . From there we started our accent towards the pass over the mountain ridge.

We set up camp under the pass on a rocky ridge. It was very cold but after a great meal and a huddle around the fire, we all managed to sleep.



