
7 MAY 2023

I took a taxi to the Macon Transportes Depot. at Gamek, which turned out to be on the outside of the city. I was surprised to see a well organised and calm bus station with well-maintained long distant coaches waiting in the parking lot.

When I enquired about a ticket to Lubango, I was told there was a coach about to leave and it would cost 19,000Kz. I said goodbye to my lovely helpful taxi driver and got on board. I had no idea how long the journey would take, but guessed we'd be there before dark and I had the name of a possible hotel written on a bit of paper to aim for.

The journey turned out to be fascinating, down the coast to Benguela and then a contrasting journey inland towards Lubango. At Benguela, I was joined by an English speaking passenger who sat next to me for the last leg of the journey. He shared his life stories with me and helped me get to my hotel when we reached Lubango city at 02:00 in the morning.



