Benin City

2 APRIL 2023

Today was one of those unpredictable ones with a lot to gamble with. Firstly, the car I took to Benin City from Osogbo was old, rickety and definitely felt as if it wouldn't make it.

Then when we stopped for refreshments half way, an argument started between the driver and one of the passengers over a payment - we stopped until this was sorted out. The there were the numerous road blocks as we got closer to Benin City, each involving a ramming effect of vehicles as they all fought to get through the single gap often to then have to pay bribes to the police to be able to avoid stopping and unloading everything. I was eventually dropped off in a garage forecourt outside Benin City.

When I actually got into my room at the OTI report hotel, I counted my blessings. I'd managed to negotiate public transport links to the hotel road end, take a ridiculously short taxi ride, get a great deal at this hotel by avoiding booking through - 30,000N and arranged for someone to come to my room to change the necessary euro into Naira.

It was hard to get to sleep after the excitement or maybe it was the very spicey okra soup and pounded yam for dinner....


Benin City

