
30 MARCH 2023

Today I travelled in a shared taxi squeezed up next to a woman sporting the most tremendous eyelashes and nails. She had been in Lagos for a wedding and had got these done specially.

She showed me numerous pictures of herself and her friends, in their various fashion statement outfits and makeup designs - brilliant company on a long 5 hour taxi ride.

In Osogbo, I took a motorbike taxi to the Nike Guest House. A wonderful, clean and spacious place on the outskirts of town, that had clearly seen days of numerous guest parties and prepared meals in the garden or on the roof terrace. Today, it is quiet. I was the only guest, the service was minimal and I had the run of the place. Perfect arrangement for me. 10,000N per night.

I spent the rest of the day, visiting the Nike Art Gallery and the fascinating Adire batik workshops. Sunday, showed me round the gallery which was full of brilliant art work and sculptures including some of Nike's own work. The gallery also hosts a range of bead arrangements made from recycled pieces.



