
25 MARCH 2023

Arriving back in West Africa was exciting even if at 04:00 in the morning. I was a little apprehensive about arriving in the dark and to a country which is always portrayed as dangerous - so needed to be on full alert.

Immigration was very smooth and the exit to the outside area of the airport was nothing but calm and friendly. I changed some money, having no idea what the best exchange rate would be considering the fluctuating value of the Naira. I then accepted a taxi ride with a driver who led me to the car park to get in the vehicle. A fare was agreed up front; 8000N. He then drove through the early morning to the hotel I had booked in Ikeja - this turned out to be a distance outside the area in a residential street off a main road. The receptionist allowed me an early check-in and I got some rest only to be awaken at 07:30 with a complementary breakfast of spaghetti and a hard boiled egg. This level of service has continued throughout my stay at this new, well designed hotel in the outskirts of Ikeja.



