
11 October 2022

Today I set off up the road leading to the pass at Tizi n'Tamatert experiencing the wonderful freedom of having no guide to show the way.

The day would unfold in an unplanned way with no expectations. On the pass, I stopped for a tea and then decided to climb Mount Tamalaroute at 2724m. This proved to be a very steep climb and I wasn't brave enough to do the last little bit over the rocks - from where I stopped the view was quite incredible and I could only imagine the 360 degree vantage you would get from the very top.

I descended carefully and then took the route down into the valley below. Two runners passed me making my attempts seem meagre in comparison. Throughout the day, I was helped with the route planning by eager children from the villages who were more than willing to lead me through their stretch of terrain. I passed through the narrow alleys of Tinerhourhine and Ikkisse. It was at the later village that two boys lead me down to the river, along the river bed and then along the beginnings of the route to Aguersioual. I was really impressed with their approach and willingness to help. They certainly showed skills for being excellent guides in the future.

On the pass at Tizi n'Aguersioual I met a shepherd who confirmed the direction of the descending route. Watching him and listening to his whistles, as he controlled a mountainside covered in goats, was awe inspiring. Here the shepherds do not use dogs, its all their own skills which keep these goats together and safe.

Down in the valley, I stopped for a tea and the road side. This Mohammed sells coffee from an expresso machine, tea and fresh juiced oranges. All freshly made to order from a roadside shed.

Back at the guest house, I had another of Mohammed's amazing targines and the place to myself. A lovely end to my time in the High Atlas Mountains.



