Ordino to Refuge de Fortverd

5 september 2022

I felt so much better today and was excited to get back on the trek.

I decided to take a taxi up to the Coll de Ordino and start back on the GR11 from there. I celebrated being at this high point along with some bikers who were also travelling across the Pyrenees West to East.

The descent to Encamp was straightforward and passed ruined buildings, a castle and chapel on the way down. I sat in the town's square soaking in the atmosphere, drinking tea and visiting the supermarket for provisions - I was preparing for some camping or unmanned refuge options coming up over the coming days.

The next bit of the trek was up to a reservoir and then along a 'tourist' track towards a spectacular valley. The valley was full of excellent camping spots and wooded areas. I climbed towards an unmanned refuge and decided to make that my home for the night.

Some runners and organisers for a race the following day, passed by. I ate and then got ready to sleep as the sun went down. Sleeping alone in the mountains is always an absolute treat. A lone hiker walked into the refuge later that evening, but on seeing me and all my stuff laid out immediately turned and left. I was alone. Yes.


Refuge de Fortverd to Refuge de Engorgs


Arinsal to Ordino