Espolla to Llanca

19 JUNE 2023

I woke to the sound of birds and murmurings of village tranquillity, coming through the open window. I wondered if breakfast was included - I packed and prepared to leave at 8:00 to find no breakfast and the lady of the house up to see me off and collect the keys.

The morning was fantastic. There was a clear route across the wine and olive fields to Rabos and then a road walk to Vilamaniscle. The decent led to a beautiful spot at Sant Silveste.

I continued on to Coll de les Portes, from where I got a clear view of the sea and the relative proximity of Llanca. The decent was quicker than yesterday and I reached the town at 14:00.

I walked around the old town square and chose to stay at a wonderful old family hostel, the Florida for 60 euros. It was more than worth it.

In the late afternoon, I walked to the port area and the beach. Here I waded into the Mediterranean sea and celebrated reaching it with a large chocolate ice-cream. There were a few holiday makers and retirees enjoying the late sunshine on the beach front. There was a lovely relaxed and peaceful atmosphere everywhere. The town had just been celebrating a festival; all along the streets were crocheted bollard covers, quilts attached to trees and floral arrangements in each of the churches. The town had a festive and creative feel, which was brilliant.

I stopped to get train information at the station - I'd be happy to stay another day here on my return from Cap de Creus.


Llanca to Cape de Creus


La Jonquera to Espolla