Setcases to Beget

13 JUNE 2023

I asked the hotel manager if there was accommodation open in Beget. He assured me I would be able to get a room at the hostel El Forn, so I walked today with no worries about where I would end up staying.

The day started with a climb up to Col de Miens - this is an old mule route, where muleteers guided their caravans of goods and passengers through the mountains. The route passed through spruce tree forests where piles of logs lined the track.

Mollo village came quickly, where I stopped to have a tea before heading down the valley towards Casa Exalde. The skies when dark and it started to rain.

I spent the rest of the day walking through forests and fields getting absolutely soaked. The welcome at the hostel was wonderful; a warm room, wonderful food and friendly people. I was being advised to break the walk tomorrow into two sections and to stay at the bunk house in Talaixa.


Beget to Talaixa


Nurio to Setcases