
From Dilijan, I headed south to Yeghegnadzor, a dusty town on the valley side.

I took a taxi to some surrounding monasteries; the Tanahati Vank and Surp Sion. The scenery around these settings was arid and dry, very similar to the terrain of Eastern Turkey just across the border. I ended the day having Armenian thick coffee with the driver, in an old Soviet cabin by the side of  a river - a quaint travellers cafe on the Armenian Silk Road.

Next stop was Goris, a beautiful town nestled in the valley . Here the houses are made of local stone with arched windows and balconies opening onto tree lined streets. There is an old cave town on the opposite side of the river and a wonderful boutique hotel where I stayed the night. The hotel is owned by a German/Armenian who is making his vision of a unique conference centre come to fruition in this remote southern town. The hotel has a wonderful arty, rustic feel built around a beautiful garden and well catered restaurant. The owner deserves to succeed as this is a very special place.

I spent my time here travelling in an old Lada down the valley side to Devil's bridge and then up the other winding road way to the Tetev monastery perched on the valley side. In side were beautiful paintings and a wonderful atmospheric, candle lit centre. All around were snow capped mountians and small villages hugging the flatter land. A fantastic area.



