Wli Falls


Today was another of those memorable days which came from a spontaneous decision at breakfast to go hiking alone in the spectacular hills.

My hosts suggested I head for a village called Wli Todgadi, which was over the hill before us and in the next valley.

The hike involved walking through the forest passing the occasional farmer cutting down wood and cocoa farmers working their crops. Mostly, I was completely alone including the section which involved scrambling up the hillside towards the top of the range. The views were spectacular, the bird life was amazing and I became a complete sweaty mess!!
At the top, I couldn’t see the village so headed south on the more pronounced track and sure enough soon came to a church, then a huge worshipping space and then the village. I stopped to enjoy some homemade biscuits with some lovely women from the village. Following their directions, I then headed on along a road dug into the hillside - a failed attempt at a road which now could barely take a motorbike; the rainy season had come and turned the track into a river before it got tarmaced. It now left a concerning eroding gash in the hillside.

At the base of the hillside I took a motorbike taxi back to Wli.

A great day of exploration and spontaneous connection.




Wli Falls