
8 december 2022

I have been shown the range of projects that Saikhu, my host, is eager to develop within his village community. As one of the active members of the village association, he has been working to develop the facilities of Tujering area.

Currently the area is 1.5km walk from the market, the transport hubs and medical facilities and has dust tracks which become difficult to use in the rainy season.

We stopped at the land which has been given to the community for the development of a health centre. Currently, the foundations have been started and some concrete bricks and sand await the next stage of its development.

Work is progressing to develop the provision and facilities at the local schools. The primary school caters for 1061 students are operates two shifts in order to cater for all the students; a morning and afternoon session. Lunch is provided and snacks can be bought from the vendors who sell food in the playground. I met the dedicated staff, deputy headteacher and headteacher who showed me round.

The nursery school is closer to the village and caters for 90 students from 3- years old. They also provided lunch for the children. I met the students, the teacher and the headteacher (with her baby) of this establishment.

In both schools, the headteachers welcome support with furniture, fittings, resources and teacher training. With class sizes running at 45-50, teaching techniques are predominately whole class teaching based. Both schools are inclusive, aiming to cater for an student from the village whatever their needs.



