
2 october 2022

The rain in the night had also brought snow which lay on the upper slopes of the mountains around us.

The clouds were heavy overhead and it was difficult to see the layout of the mountains on the trek today.

The morning involved walking along a valley bottom, cover in rocks of moraine typical of this glacial landscape. We passed many villagers on their mules returning from a trip down the mountain to their winter homes - returning with empty baskets ready to load them again for another trip. This is hard work....

We diverted up a steep pathway towards the pass at Tizi n'Ououraine from where we followed the ridge towards the next valley. Rashid was relieved to now have a phone signal and be able to contact his family and catch up with emails. The younger villagers were enjoying their phone connections too - we passed a few listening to music and watching movies from the saddles of their mules.

On the way down to the village we passed a large flat piece of land cut into the landscape - the village football pitch. Seemingly these are a regular feature of all villages and can be found close to most of the remote settlements.

In Amsourzerte, we stopped to stay at a small simple guest house. The manager showed us his new chickens and the developments to his property.

We ate dinner this evening on the terrace, had warm showers, and soft comfortable beds to sleep in.


Lake d’Ifne


Azib Likemt