
19 JANUARY 2023

Before returning to Abidjan, I took a local taxi to Assinie in the east of Cote D’Ivoire. It lies close to the Ghanian border. It’s also the place where expansive resorts have been developed along the side of the water all along the slither of land at the end of which sits the settlements.

It’s here that the river inlet flows into the sea and the beaches are stunning. Tourist boats float along the river taking guests out to the beaches, leaving from the jetty in the village.

I chose to join the local day trippers and villagers at the seating area under the trees by the river rather than venture out to the beach. This proved to be a relaxed spot where people congregated to chat.

I’d decided not to risk trying to cross the border here in case I was asked for paper work which I didn’t have - a letter of exit. So…. back to Abidjan it is to wait to take a short flight into Ghana.

And to finish the day with a total contrast; a vegan meal and fruit juice cocktail with the coolest set of people. The Bushman’s cafe is a different world; on a roof terrace amongst bamboo trees in an Abidjan suburb - simple homemade food, diverse collection of people, wonderful music…..




Grand Bassam