
16 JANUARY 2023

I have felt totally disorientated today trying to make sense of this city and how to get about. My poor French language skills are a key factor, however it’s also adjusting to the need to take taxis everywhere rather than being able to walk.

The city seems to be spread across a number of neighbourhoods, all lying a significant distant apart.

I’ve come to Cocody to look for an Internet cafe and a market. I find neither - instead I discover a huge church and a supermarket stuffed full of European produce including cheese!

In Riviera, I land at the home of a couple who have the most amazing range of art, sculpture and musical instruments. I join them for tea on their roof terrace. I’m in a daze - I can’t believe I’m on the same continent as I was yesterday.

 I created a plan of places to see and visit today. Nothing happened as expected! This is life in Africa.

However, I have met a wonderful photographer who has taken photos of the president amongst his clients. He has a humble studio in Cocody down a back street.

My attempts to see the Galerie Cecile Fakhoury didn’t work out. It’s closed whilst they construct the next exhibition. Nevertheless, I met it’s young curator team and students from the adjacent architecture college. Their voices and perspectives on development in Côte d’Ivoire were inspiring.

I’ve needed to dig deep today. Being in Abidjan has made me question what I’m doing?, why I continue? What am I learning? Is it possible without French fluency? It’s at times like this when connecting with family and friends remind you of your purpose and that life goes on as normal back home. All is well - and these doubts too will pass.



