
1 MAY 2023

Through the night. we sat around at the disco - a large open covered space hosting two huge speakers, a shop selling baguettes and beer, all run by a triad of village men who seemed to be in charge of providing this entertainment centre.

There was a gathering of young men around a card game, a gaggle of couples trying to dance and then collapsing, a woman who was obviously annoying a guy and was taken away somewhere. Meanwhile, a mechanic was found and started work on the car. We sat around a watched.. It got to 5:30, the music was still pounding and the repair was underway. As soon as the engine worked again, we were off into the night. This time weaving and swerving along the track - I was not sure how many beers Carlos had consumed! Another time to trust the process.

The the sun came up, photos were taken, ablutions had and everything was right in the world again. My companions demonstrated how life can just go on...things work out....this is L'Afric'.

There was a very warm welcome when we arrived in Dolisie. It seemed everyone had been awaiting the safe arrival of our car - there were hugs and shrieking all round. And then it was over. Passengers dispersed and the next leg began.

I took stock - now in a new country I needed a SIM card and breakfast.

Th final leg of the day was a ride to Brazzaville in a shared car for 10,000CFA. This was very sedate compared to the last leg. Three women and a driver on a beautiful cambered road, all the way to the capital through rolling hills and shrub covered land. It reminded me of the M6 drive through Cumbria.




Entering the Republic of Congo