
15 APRIL 2023

After returning to Douala yesterday, I booked the train from there to Yaoundé. It meant an early start at 5:30 to get to the station for a 6:30 departure. Douala was in darkness but stirring. I was able to get a taxi easily from the road side by the hotel and arrived to a quiet and orderly station.

The journey in the well maintained German built train, is a wonderful way to travel. The train goes right through the centre of forest land and passes small villages. I sat in the restaurant car to get better views from its wide windows. I bought a one way second ticket for 6000CFA.

Arriving in Yaoundé was remarkably calm and easy. I took a short motorbike taxi up the hill to the Casbar Mission House, recommended by Betina. I was greeted warmly on arrival and opted for a two room suite for 17,000CFA. The place is very clean, calm and quiet. A real gem. I also took the opportunity to join the communal dinner in the evening; this meant you could meet the resident priest, his helpers and other fellow guests. The food was simple and delicious; local baked fish and rice.

In Yaoundé, I visited the central cathedral know for its large locally designed mosaic above the alter. This part of town is busy and active with many vendors and street sellers.

I had the opportunity to meet Fo Nab Ngo 1 Agnes NANA, a very inspiring 83 year old chief from a village in the NW of Cameroon, who is also the Founder of the Musee of Blackitude. Agnes showed me round her private collection of artefacts and sacred objects which belong to her family or have been purchased from villagers in her area. She is intent on safeguarding the history of her people and educating others about the culture and traditions of the Bamileke people.



