
9 july 2012

We tucked into a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, cherries and yoghurt, this morning.

All freshly prepared by our hosts which was wonderful. Then began the long windy journey back to Bishkek.

It was good to be able to see the landscape along this highway and to hear bits of information about the places we passed. One passenger talked to Thomas about a disused chemical factory that we passed. It had been built in the 1900s by the Germans and had emitted such toxic fumes that birds had died flying over it. He also pointed out the gold mines still worked by hand, the hydroelectric centers which provide Kyrgystan with thier power and is sold to various neighbouring countries too. He told us of how Russia is now building gas refineries in order to process the natural gas supplies within the country. Kyrgystan still lacks the technology and finance to be able to do this itself.

The drive turned out to be  very eventful as one of our passages started having breathing difficulties as we went over the passes. As a result we ended up visiting a remote clinic to check whether she was fit enough to do the rest of the journey. I don't think it was any coincidence  that the driver speeded up for the rest of the trip. It was a real relief to arrive in Bishkek and return to the familiar guest house.



