
15 jUNE 2012

Crossing the border to Kyrgystan

Crossed every easily over the border from Kazakhstan to Kyrgystan yesterday, travelling with a bunch of people by minibus from Almaty to Bishkek. The differences in the countries are no where near as significant as they were going from China to Kazakhstan. In Bishkek I headed straight off for Karakol, again in a minibus squashed up next to two other woman. We travelled through the mountains and along the northern shores of lake Issyk-Kol; 170km long, 70km wide and the second largest alpine lake in the world after Lake Titicaca in South America. We passed mansions belonging to the rich and famous including the president of Kazakhstan's before reaching the small town of Karakol. Nestled between the lake and the mountains. I have a humble abode in a guest house run as part of a Swiss/Iranian tourism venture. Its beautifully clean and comfortable and I share the place + gorgeous garden with a Dutch couple on a world tour.

I have spent today getting to know the town and walking round some of the lake where the locals are out swimming and picnicking on the small beaches. Tomorrow I am heading into the mountains for a few days trekking. It's difficult to find out whether all the passes are free of snow and passable, but I have a good map and will see how far I can get.



